为什么卫斯理? 小类, 实践的经历, 设备齐全的实验室, 随时可用的教员, 94% of recent graduates work in 工程 or physics.

Our 物理/工程 Dual-Degree program involves WVU and Marshall University. 学生 study three years at Wesleyan and then two years of specialized 工程 at the chosen university. 学生 earn two degrees—Wesleyan’s physics degree and the university’s 工程 degree.

雇主: 贝尔直升机, 贝克特尔-贝蒂斯核实验室, Cabell-Huntington Cancer Center, 杜邦公司, 联邦公路管理局, 通用动力公司, 通用电气(General Electric), 通用汽车(General Motors), 洛克希德·马丁公司, 美国国家航空航天局, 国家能源技术实验室, 贝蒂-格公司, 橡树岭国家实验室, 普拉特 & Whitney, Thrasher 工程, Toyota, Vantage Oncology, WV Division of Highways.

实验仪器: 电子显微镜, 风洞, 3 - d打印机, 射电望远镜, 核实验室, 激光实验室, 微波实验室, 等离子体物理实验室, 磁共振实验室, x射线衍射实验室, 热泵实验室, 超导实验室, 超声波实验室.

学生的研究 occurs year-round at Wesleyan and during the summer at places such as Columbia University, 康奈尔大学, the 联邦公路管理局, 杰斐逊国家实验室, 美国国家航空航天局, NIST, WV公路局, 和西弗吉尼亚大学.

我们与美国国家航空航天局的关系 funds 美国国家航空航天局 Fellowships for students and summer research for students at 美国国家航空航天局 sites. 美国国家航空航天局 sponsors our SPACE Club, whose members design payloads that 美国国家航空航天局 launches on 声音ing rockets.

Can physics/工程 students participate in performing arts/sports? 是的! Join our 31 students who are presently doing so. Our labs end by 3:50 pm—practice starts at 4:00 pm. (Wesleyan has lots of scholarship opportunities in performing arts/sports.)


  • 确定授予

    确定 & Maier Summer 研究 Program- Application due March 14 (按此申请)

    Do you want to be involved in a long-term research project that has the potential to transform the way you think about science and your future career as a researcher?

    西维吉尼亚州 卫斯理学院 is excited to host the Summer Undergraduate 研究 Experience (确定)  and Maier research programs during summer 2023 to offer extended research experiences in the STEM areas (science, 技术, 工程, 和数学). The 确定 program will run for 8 weeks between May-July and is available to students from WVWC and other institutions around the state. 学生 will earn a stipend of $3,500 with free on-campus housing. 学生 will also be required to present their research at a state or regional scientific meeting (travel funds available).

    感兴趣? 应用!

    1. Consult the list of faculty involved below.
    2. Have a discussion with the faculty member of interest to see what projects they will be working on.
    3. 提交 应用程序 which will include a personal statement and unofficial transcripts.
    4. Application deadline is Tuesday, March 14. Successful applicants will be notified by the end of March.


    Dr. 布鲁斯·安东尼

    Dr. 金正日Bjorgo-Thorne

    Dr. 特蕾西德莱尼

    Dr. 迦勒吉布森

    Dr. 凯西·格雷格

    Dr. 约瑟夫的途径

    Dr. 奥尔德罗伊德杰西

    Dr. 媚兰萨尔

    Dr. 约瑟夫王寅


  • The McCuskey Fellowship Program

    Transform your 西维吉尼亚州 Wesleyan Experience with the McCuskey Fellowship!

    应用 now for the McCuskey Family Fellowship in undergraduate research for a scholarship to work with a faculty on a primary research fellowship for three years of study!  You’ll be a part of an unparalleled high-impact practice in designing and creating your research project over three years!


  • 教师

    Adviser, Sigma Pi Sigma 物理 Honorary Society
    办公室:Christopher 101

    教授: 普通物理, 电子产品, 工程热力学, 固体物理学, 量子力学, 材料实验室, 高级工程实验室

    研究:低温, 超导体, 风洞, x射线晶体学, 热泵, 材料强度, 核磁共振

     约瑟夫王寅, Professor, 美国国家航空航天局 Representative
    办公室:Christopher 122

    教授: 流体力学, 传热, 光与原子物理, 核物理, 激光实验室, 月球和火星之旅

    研究: Cosmic rays, cloud chambers, structure of nuclei, proton beams, nitrogen lasers, muons

     Tracey DeLaney, Associate Professor
    Space Club Adviser, Planetarium Director
    Ph.D., University of Minnesota; Postdocs, Harvard, MIT
    办公室:Christopher 124
    教授: 工程设计, 电磁, 太阳系, 恒星和星系, 地质, 物理科学

    研究: Supernovas, high-speed photography, 美国国家航空航天局 payload design, 射电望远镜s

     Eric Reynolds, Assistant Professor
    Ph.D., 物理, 西维吉尼亚州 University
    办公室:Christopher 123

    教授: 普通物理, 工程力学, 分析力学, 材料力学, 材料科学
    研究: 等离子体物理


  • 专业
    • 物理- B.S.
      • The student can apply broad knowledge of the branches of physics — mechanics, 热力学, 声音, 光, 模拟和数字电子学, 材料科学, 固体物理学, 电磁, 核物理, 量子力学.
      • The student can apply an evidence-based problem-solving method that identifies a physics problem, designs an appropriate experiment, 分析数据, 并传达结果.
      • The student can use advanced tools and techniques of physics.
      • The student can examine the role of physics in contemporary societal issues.
    • 物理- B.A.
      • The student can apply foundational knowledge of the branches of physics — mechanics, 热力学, 声音, 光, 电子产品, 电磁, 核物理学.
      • The student can apply an evidence-based problem-solving method that identifies a physics problem, designs an appropriate experiment, 分析数据, 并传达结果.
      • The student can use advanced tools and techniques of physics.
      • The student can examine the role of physics in contemporary societal issues.
    • 应用物理- B.S.

      This program prepares students to use physics to meet the needs of society. Employers value our graduates because they are ready to work with lasers, 电子显微镜, 核系统, 辐射安全, 能源效率, 太阳能电池板, 机器人, 计算, 机场安全系统. 除了, our Applied 物理 majors have been accepted to graduate studies in physics, 医学物理学, and most fields of 工程.

    • 工程双学位
      • The student can apply knowledge of physics and math to solve problems. (This outcome is related to ABET outcomes a and e.)
      • Teams of students can apply an evidence-based problem-solving method that identifies an applied-science problem, designs an appropriate experiment, 分析数据, 并传达结果. (This outcome is related to ABET outcomes b, c, d, and g.)
      • The student can use the tools and techniques of applied physics and math. (This outcome is related to ABET outcome k.)
      • The student recognizes a responsibility for life-long learning to apply physics to contemporary ethical and societal issues. (This outcome is related to ABET outcomes f, h, i, and j.)